AP Erga Omnes

POR FERS Lazio 2014-2020

Ad Personam Erga Omnes

Marketing intelligence project funded by the Lazio Region

Description of the project

AdPersonam is a company founded in 2014 and, from its establishment to today, has identified traditional or relational channels as the tool to strike the public of interest by also participating in various national and international trade fairs and workshops, both as a buyer and seller:

  1. TTG Rimini (2015 edition);
  2. Buy Lazio (2017 and 2019 edition);
  3. MEX Francoforte (2017 edition);
  4. WTM Londra (2016 edition);
  5. BTM Barcellona (2018 edition);
  6. ACE – Art Cities Exchange (2019 edition);
  7. ITW (Italian Travel Workshop) Stoccolma (2019 edition);
  8. BMT Napoli (2019 edition).

Therefore, the reference markets were both domestic (prevalent) and European/International.
Along the way, targeting has expanded into the digital world, through mail marketing and social media management solutions.
AdPersonam has decided to structure a marketing intelligence project aimed at increasing the impression of the brand in general, in order to consolidate its positioning, going to seize the profitable opportunities that the globalized market offers online, .
In particular, the strategy defined as “AdPersonam erga omnes” is centred on a structured path to enhance the skills offered.


With the project “AdPersonam erga omnes” we intend to extend, immediately and to a wider audience, the ability to customize the emotions of a trip or an event or a workshop.


Achieving the set goal also allows you to reach other results such as:

  • the increase of the brand impression (KPI: >CTR, click-through rate);
  • the generation of quality traffic thanks to the growth in organic positioning in SERPs;
  • the increase in the number of new users;
  • a user-friendly, mobile responsive and structured web platform for acquisition funnels;
  • search engine optimization (SEO), the semantic study of phrases and occurrences to respond optimally to queries generated by users;
  • the predictive analysis of keywords for the optimization of SEM (search engine marketing) campaigns, both search and display and remarketing;
  • the monthly data analysis for the improvement of the activities in progress.

Financial support received

14.214,00 €